211 is a prime number. 211 can be represented as sum of three consecutive primes 67, 71 and 73. A prime number p is called a Chen prime if p+2 is either a prime or a semi-prime.
Since, 213 = 3.71, is a semi-prime, so 211 is also a Chen prime. A balanced prime is a prime number which is at equal distances from its nearest primes both aabove and below it. In other words, it is the arithmetic mean of the nearest primes above and below it. 211’s nearest primes are 199 and 223 and hence it is a balanced prime.
211-th version contains the following articles. We have been shared a nice article from the blog Reflections and TangentsbyKaren D. Campe and the title of the article isBeginning with Because, andin this article Karen has shared her experience about how verbalizing "because statements" in maths can help lay the foundation for secondary students to justify their mathematical ideas.
We have been shared with an Articlethat discusses the exciting findings in a recent paper on spectral flow, published in the Journal of Topology and Analysis, by University of Bonn mathematician Matthias Lesch and his Australian collaborators (Professor Lesch visited the Sydney Mathematical Research Institute in 2019). The significance of the paper lies in its extensive treatment of spectral flow theory and its direct application to topological condensed matter systems.